Math & Statistics

Analysis and Applications of Functions: MATH 418

Some students who are bound for science but need additional college preparatory mathematics may be required to take MATH 418 prior to MATH 425. Students may place out of taking MATH 418 by taking a placement test:


  • MATH 424A - Calculus for Social Sciences is offered each fall semester. Designed primarily for COLA and PAUL students.
    • No placement test or prerequisite course required.
  • MATH 424B - Calculus for Life Sciences is offered each spring semester.  Designed primarily for COLSA students.
    • No placement test or prerequisite course required.

  • MATH 425 - Calculus I is offered every semester and is designed for CEPS students. Pre-requisites for MATH 425:
    • Complete MATH 418 with a grade of C or better OR
    • Qualify with the placement evaluation.
    • Students who do NOT meet one of these prerequisites MUST drop MATH 425.
  • MATH 426 - Calculus II
    • MATH 425 is the recommended course for students going on to MATH 426.
    • If students take MATH 424 (A or B), they are advised to complete a set of supplementary worksheet modules administered by the Mathematics Center (MaC).

Statistics Rule

  • The Department of Mathematics & Statistics offers the following statistics courses: MATH 439, MATH 539, and MATH 644
  • In addition, other departments offer introductory statistics courses in their subject areas: ADMN 510, BIOL 528, EREC 525, HHS 540, PSYC 402, SOC 402 (formerly SOC 502)
  • Generally, students cannot receive academic credit for more than one of the above courses. The exception is that a student may receive credit for MATH 644 or MATH 539, after taking a course offered by the other departments.

Any student who has completed a statistics course and declares or changes to a major that requires a different statistics course must speak with the new major department.

The department may:

  • Accept the original course as fulfilling the requirement.
  • Require a competency exam in the major department’s statistics course.
  • Require the student to take a different statistics course, which may result in the student losing credit for the first course. A student may receive eight credits for two introductory statistics courses if, and only if, the student takes the second of these as a requirement of the program they have moved into after taking the first statistics course.
  • Take other action, determined by the major advisor.